Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reading Response 2: Remembering Her Past


Page 16 starts out with very heavy imagery when she is describing in detail what the concrete looks like, "Quartz glittering in the cement."; and a simile "Slowing down and speeding up like a car with carberator trouble.". For some reason which I do not know she keeps on talking about things that are on the sidewalk like gum stamped flat , pieces of tin-foil and penny candy wrappers. I think the reason why King put so much detail into the sidewalk was he wanted to create an image of suburban life or maybe even the area in which Carrie lives. We see more of Carrie's character when she imagines that Chris Hargensen is all bloodied and beat up. Despite her major differences from say the average teenager she still defies her mother just like any other teenager does, but just by doing small things that she knows would annoy her mom. Her mother is also revealed to have a very puritain like way of thinking when she talks to Carrie about "sin" and "backsliding" and the imagery of an angry Christ killing the people that made Carrie's life difficult proves that the way of thinking (atleast when it comes to the way she thinks about Jesus)  carried on to her. It reminded me alot of "sinners in the hands of an angry God". Carrie remembers about how she took up sowing when she was a kid so that she could pay to go to Christian Camp even though her mother thought it was sinful, and unfortuantly her mother was proved right because Carrie had to go home because of the severe bullying she received there. It is most unfortunate because her mother, instead of comforting her like she should have, told her that she deserved it because going to that camp was a sin in the first place. She even forbade her to take showers at school because she thought they were sinful but she did it anyway. When she's walking down the street to her house, remembering and all a little boy named Tommy Erbtrer started taunting her and calling her names. By a mere glare Carrie knocks the kid off of his bike. She describes her telekinetic actions as her mind "flexing" like a baby muscle. He serves as a foreshadowing for what may happen in her future regarding her abilities. What I find most lovable about Carrie is that she still loves her mother after all she has done to her, she proves this when she is thinking about breaking Mrs.Yorraty's picture window because she is a neighbor hates her mother, or it could just be that she doesn't know that her mother is seriously mistreating her but I hightly doubt that because earlier Carrie talks about how her mother has left her at a disadvantage ever since she was little and the hate-love relationship that she has with her home/homelife. Her house is described as a small white house, blue shudders, with ive creeping up the side. Carrie sees stones outside of her house and is reminded of the day that the storm of stones came down on her house and remembers details about it that she forgot. It suddenly cuts to another article interviewing the girl who basically triggered all of it, the girl in the white bikini that Carrie talks about before the cut to the article. Her name is Estelle Horan, chain smoker and has a husband and two kids. It all started when Carrie's mother complained to Estelle's mother about Estelle laying out in her bathing suit, which she of course found sinful. Estelle's mother took great offence and bought her daughter a white bikini to sun bathe in too offend Margaret more. Little Carrie was described by Estelle to be very pretty and having dirty blonde hair, she also talks about Maragret ruining her which could be clues that Margaret really is a bad character/ one of the main antagonists in the story. She also talks about how strange her father was, who always carried around his bible and .38 revolver. Everybody was scared of him and wouldn't even make faces at him to his back because of how ominous he seemed to be. After young Carrie goes over to Estelle's house (which is apparently next door) she asks her about her breasts which are revealed when one fell out when she was taking a nap, and she says what they are and Carrie says she'll never have any, because if you have breasts you have sinned, hence why her mother calls them "dirty pillows" which I actually find quite hilarious. Even at such a young age Carrie in a way mimicks her mother in the "holier than thou" complex that she has. Estelle wanted so badly to save little Carrie from that life although she was too dumbstruck to do that, and just as she's ruminating about this Margaret comes out and starts "whooping" and making all sorts of ungodly noises whilst shaking all over. She started yelling things about "sluts" and "strumpets"and starts clawing at her neck and cheeks which evoked Carrie to run to her and Margaret squatted and took Carrie in her arms as if she was going to crush her. She was now to the point were she was drooling and took Carrie back in to the house, Estelle said she heard praying, screeching,and sobbing and Carrie being forced into her closet to pray. By that time her mother was eaten up with guilt, but in my opinion if she really was she would have at least called child services but of course she was a coward and was too scared. And this actually makes me think, how different would Carrie be if she was put in a foster home? I personally think it would have done her a world of good and maybe would have avoided the end result of her upbringing. So first it started raining ice, which leads me to think Carrie had to be an extremely strong TK because she could even control the weather when she was but a child, then came the rain of stones which strangely landed on her house and only on her house. Whatever Margaret was doing to Carrie it apparently put her under enough stress to make her do all of that. Estelle also describes what all is going on in her house and how her and her mother were clinging to each other scared for their lives. Of course, none of that got into the local paper for the reason that the townspeople were scared, and I think that's another reason why Carrie isn't socially accepted because of her and her mother being so feared. Then we see a little foreshadowing with Estelle saying "Now there's this other thing..." which was also put in there to entice the reader to keep reading I'm sure. She also said that what happened to the White house was an act of god, which is ironic because of the attitude her mother has about God. We even see a little assonance and consonance when they find lyrics from a Bob Dylan song (Just Like a Woman was the name of it) written over and over again in one of Carrie's notebooks "Everybody guessed/ that baby can't be blessed/ 'til she finally sees that she's like all the rest..." I think this really represents Carrie's longing for acceptance and social redemption. The Carrie enters her house and we get alot of imagery about what her house is like and what's in it. There is a strong smell of talcum powder in the living room which contains various pictures of a wrathful or gory Jesus and some of which gave Carrie nightmares as a child. The most striking piece that is in the living room is a 4 foot cross which had a bloody Jesus crucified there. Carrie accepts what is happening to her logically and calmly because she actually knew what was going on with her but the knowledge was somehow suppressed in her mind, probably because of her mother. Her mother also is a clean freak because to her "cleanliness is close to godliness", but in my opinion whatever mental disease she has, because it is now clear how unsound she is, has now manifested itself into severe OCD. Carrie found that her mother did posses pads. As any other puritain-like Christian her mother makes her wear many layers of clothing. Carrie also demonizes her piers because of what they have done to her, and I believe she is justified in thinking they are all bad but it makes me wonder, did she ever look for good in them? Did she even want to look? At the end of the next 15 pages we find out why Carrie is thick in her weight, and it is because she eats and eats to fill the gap that is inside her.

Note on the picture: This is actually from another Stephen King novel "Firestarter"but it fitted my image of what Carrie looked like whilst she was making it rain ice and stones.

"Firestarter ." Online Image. ScreenRant . No date. July 19,2011  <http://screenrant.com/stephen-king-firestarter-universal-reboot-robf-92238/>. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quote Blog: "A Frog Among Swans"

"Carrie stood among them solidly, a frog among swans." Pg.4
This quote really speaks to me because of the feeling of not belonging that was prominent for me all through during my years of growing up, and it's not just me because we are all human. As a human there's always going to be sometime in your life were you feel like you don't belong and that reflects that through this sentence. I believe King hits a nerve with everybody by portraying that feeling in his main character and I think he wanted to address this feeling through his whole entire story.

MLA Citation for image
Alephunky . "The Ugly Ducking ." Online Image.www.deviantart.com. No date. July 17,2011 <http://alephunky.deviantart.com/art/The-Ugly-Duckling-127256844>. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reader Response 1: A Woman Scorned

July 9th, 2011 Pg. 15.
Note to the reader: Im having to stop every 15 pages due to the number of reader response posts needed and the big build of the book (the book is a delux edition that has King's novels "Salem's Lot" and "The Shining" along with "Carrie"), so the natural numbering of the novel is off.

The story starts off in a town called Chamberlaine which is probably in Maine, the state in which most of King's stories take place. It begins with an article, which is an ongoing theme within the novel, from a news paper from Westover, Maine  called Enterprise which reports a rain of stones that fall on the house of one Margaret White causing damage to her house and risking the life of her then 3 year old daughter Carietta, or Carrie, the main character. On the second page it full on admits that Carrie has telekinetic powers, which means she can do things with just her mind. She is not socially accepted and is a chunky brown hair, brown eyed girl with acne all over her body. The entrance of their gym teacher Miss Desjardin offers the description that she has somewhat of a manly figure. And so the story of Carrie begins with an omniscient point of view which has no singular speaker. It also cuts back to an article, this time from a book that was written about her  called "The Shadow Exploded" which reveals that she has extreme potential as a great and powerful telekinetic or TK as it is later called. Her powers, though, only seem to come out in times of extreme stress. Carrie is 16 years old when she unfortunately starts her period in the gym shower, and in turn is open to extreme ridicule by all the girls that see it to the point were they start throwing sanitary napkins and tampons at her whilst yelling "PLUG IT UP!!!". Carrie goes into extreme shock and falls back into the corner of the shower stall. This strikes a chord with me because I've also had to deal with bullying when I was younger and I hate that nothing has changed since the 70s when this was written to now because of the simple fact of human nature. Miss Desjardin, though, proves to be a white knight in the situation and helps Carrie out even though she doesn't quite understand whats going on with Carrie. Carrie knows nothing about things of that sort and is extremely naieve thanks to her overly religious mother who is a character that also strikes a chord with me because that character type is the most hated for me. The fact that whenever they are interviewing students in the article they always referred to them as "surviving student" which I find very suspicious and a foreshadow to an upcoming event.  When Miss Desjardin has to slap Carrie across the face it shows that she has an optomistic view on teenagers because she hated having to slap Carrie and it said in the book that "she still believed all students were good". Carrie tried to blot her lipstick with a tampon further proves her naivete because of her not knowing what it's for. And as expected everything starts falling and breaking. When Carrie is taken into the principals office the assistant principal, Mr.Morton, tells more about Carrie's mother and builds more on the erratic behavior that is her mother, like when her mother was a teenager she beat a fellow student with a handbag because she saw them smoking a cigarette. The first 15 pages end with Desjardin telling Mr.Morton that she will severely punish the girls who harassed Carrie, which is my favorite part in the story because the concept of revenge is extremely appealing to me.

below is the MLA citation for the photgraph i used for this blog. I know its a bit gory but its extremely accurate to the story.
Rogers , TS . "Stephen Kings Carrie ." Online Image.Teaessare Illustration and Design . March 17, 2010 . July 9,2011  <http://teaessare.blogspot.com/2010_03_01_archive.html>.